Yeah, I didn't get it at first, either - seems while they're out there auditioning and taping for the new season, the current season's dramas are still being played out. It makes for a lot of travel and, I would guess, some continuity issues for the hosts - as in, if this is Boston, it must be Friday and season 6. Until I have to do that voice session for season 5.
Anyway - it's good to know that some stars are genuinely nice people, it is too often just the opposite. Cat was sweet, friendly, warm, professional, and has a great sense of humor about the whole thing - and yes, she really is that tall! About 6 feet, I'd say - but she was wearing heels, too. But I'm nearly 6'4", look at the pic and you do the math.
The session was done via ISDN with Levels in Hollywood - Mix One alum Sean Cunningham handled the engineering chores on that end.